Prospectus and Its Appendices

Report on the Intended Use of the Fund

The CMB or BIST does not have any discretionary authority or approval in determining the initial public offering price. The Prospectus and the Initial Public Offering Sales Announcement regarding the shares to be offered to the public are published on the websites of the PDP(, the Company (Destek Finans Faktoring A.Ş.) and Tera Yatırım Menkul Kıymetler A.Ş. ( Investors must make their investment decisions by reviewing the Prospectus and the Initial Public Offering Sales Announcement. The investment information, comments, and recommendations contained herein do not constitute investment consultancy.

Destek Factoring's Initial Public Offering Process and Details

Destek Faktoring, one of Türkiye's leading financial institutions, has initiated the public offering process. This initial public offering, carried out with the approval of the Capital Markets Board (CMB), offers a great opportunity for investors. Those who want to participate in the initial public offering can find all the details, including the prospectus, book building process, and company valuation, on this page.

Initial Public Offering Dates
January 29, 30, and 31
Initial Public Offering Price/Price Range
TRY 46.98
Distribution Model
Equal Distribution
Amount of Shares to be Offered to the Public
Brokerage Firm
Tera Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş.
BIST Stars
Method of Initial Public Offering
Capital Increase: 83,333,333 Shares
Use of the Fund
100% Financing of factoring transactions
Free Float Rate
Initial Public Offering Size
Approximately TRY 3.9 Billion